“Can you smell money?!?!?!”
–Jack Abramoff
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This could be getting interesting
He thought “indentured” meant that they wear false teeth.
“America”! F** yeah!”
His line about the happy workers is as big a lie as “I will never die”
Still no public statement from Schaffer today but there are signs of activity at Camp Wing Nut…..Wadhams spoke. Wadhams said that Schaffer never met Jack Abramoff.
Notice it was Wadhams and not Shifty who made such an unequivocal statement. This way, when the pictures of Bob brushing elbows with Abramoff appear on the Internet in the next few days or weeks, there’s deniability.
…it blows up like this. Will Wadhams let Schaffer talk to anyone between now and election day?
Wadhams & Schaffer are going to be incredibly closed mouth for the next month at a minimum. And if the 527s go after him soon, he’s really between a rock & a hard spot.
10. Junket.
9. Amnesty.
8. Sex slavery.
7. Corruption.
6. Prostitution.
5. Guest-worker program.
4. Slave labor.
3. Jack Abramoff.
2. Denial of freedom of religion.
1. Forced abortions.
I’ve been wondering when the GOP’s isolationism instinct was going to come back in vogue.
Looks like ’08 is it.
Bush announced that he’s reverting to 12-month tours for the troops. But the kicker is, it won’t take effect until the Aug. 1 deployment, so no troops will see the change until after he’s out of office.
Similarly, House Republicans are beginning to set the stage for their recovery among the base. Look for the next Presidency to have Republicans hounding it over fiscal responsibility, ethics, and other things the GOP hasn’t cared about for 8 years.
“Look for the next Presidency to have Republicans hounding it over fiscal responsibility, ethics, and other things the GOP hasn’t cared about for 8 years.”
I think the Washington Post got their quotes mixed up. Those came from Gen. Petraeus, right?
It was an interesting piece, conflating the Vitter/DC Madam case and the Iraq War with all of its players. Not your average writing.
Without knowing the specifics I can not fully endorse it, but what I heard is similar to what I have proposed.
Then he talked about health insurance when you lose your job and mentioned affordable COBRA coverage and I knew he was smoking crack. COBRA is the kick in the teeth to job loss.
Yesterday, ABC News reported that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice chaired explicit White House discussions about which torture techniques should be used on prisoners.
They “were so detailed” that “some of the interrogation sessions were almost choreographed — down to the number of times CIA agents could use a specific tactic.”1 This is the first time that we have evidence that senior officials, “not only discussed specific plans and specific interrogation methods, but approved them”. Given these new revelations, Condoleezza Rice can not continue as Secretary of State.
for the Houston Plan and other Watergate-era shenanigans.
This is so jaw-droppingly disturbing, it’ll take a while for implications to sink in. One thing’s for sure, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest won’t be able to travel abroad for the rest of their lives without thinking about Pinochet.
Talk radio was full of attacks on Governor Ritter arising out of the whole Voorhis affair.
Will this Voorhis matter cause the Governor any political damage? Will it all be forgotten by tomorrow?
The Governor didn’t press charges against Voorhis.